Vatech 3D CB(Cone Beam) CT – i3D Smart
Vatech 3D CB(Cone Beam) CT - i3D Smart
Cone Beam CT Scanning is becoming the standard of care in dental implantology. This 3D radiographic image provides a detailed mapping of the anatomy so that implants can be placed more quickly, more accurately, and with a much higher level of comfort and safety. In implant dentistry, we are able to provide all that with the use of the CT scan and planning software.
One scan with a i3D Smart gives you not just a CT image but also an Auto Pano image. This means, patients who require both images do not need to undergo two X-ray scans. Also, CT and Auto Pano images are displayed within the One Viewer feature.
3D image quality is dramatically improved based on the innovative image reconstruction technology.